Many homeowners only learn the location of their water main shut off valve once a plumbing emergency happens. This can create a lot of damage if you don't know the location to be able to shut off the water coming into your home immediately.
One other issue we find is that homeowners sometimes do not leave a clear path to their water main valve. This makes it inaccessible to the homeowner or a professional plumber when something goes wrong.
Recently, Nate, a client of ours (a "do it yourself-er") tried to change a faucet in his bathroom. After viewing several online videos, he correctly turned the valves off under the sink and disconnected the braided supply to the faucet. Only to find that the valves did not do their job to stop the flow of water. As a result, water was was gushing from the disconnected braided supply. In a panic, he ran to the basement to try to shut the water main off. He soon realized that he had placed many boxes from his recent move in the space in front of the main shut off valve. By the time he moved all the boxes and was able to access the valve, his entire bathroom and hallways were flooded, damaging the hardwood floors in both spaces.
3 steps to ensure you are protected:
1. Know where your water main shut off valve is.
2. Keep a clear path to your water main shut off valve.
3. Know how to shut off your valve. There are typically 2 types of valves. Watch the videos below to find out how to take care of yours.